Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalm 43:5 ESV) Depression is a deadly killer. It kills life in some form or another. Depression kills joy and true joy only comes from the satisfaction and peace of God in the redemption of salvation. Salvation is by faith so depression is a faith killer, depression is anti-faith. When believers choose not to have faith they sin, depression is sin. I hate it, it sneaks in on you. However, there are some important facts that believers need to know about depression. First, there is an antidote, prayer. When Jesus was moments away from the cross He told His disciples to watch and pray for the spirit is willing (we want joy) but the flesh is weak. Second, depression's residence is the human mind. The Word of God is filled with antidepressants. The truth of God produces faith and faith and truth are the best antidepressants made. Don't allow depression and its cousins (disappointment, etc.) to kill your focus, hope and joy. Your God reigns!