Almost every time I read John chapter four where Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at the community well I see such comparisons to people today. Jesus’ evangelism mythology is nothing short of amazing not to mention note worthy. He avoids getting sidetracked; He pleasantly controls the conversation and holds to nothing but the truth. The woman on the other hand is so typical of people today. Jesus asks a simple request for water and she immediately sizes up the cultural situation as her response. She immediately makes note that there were differences, actually many differences in that culture, of this almost rude request. This however, doesn’t bother Jesus, He stays focused on His objective.
Jesus gives her an opportunity to know the truth He had for her early in the conversation but she then avoided it with logic and logistics. The living water was to far fetched and the well was too deep without the proper mechanical mechanism. When she, seemingly skeptically sarcastic, asks for the proof of the water, Jesus gets personal by asking about her personal life. Remember His intent is perfect, His motive is perfect and what He had to offer this woman was totally perfect.
Once the lady was caught up in the power of God in Jesus’ total knowledge about her personal life she turns religious because she thought she was before a prophet (modern day preacher). I see this often. People change and/or become spiritual when they discover they are in the presence of someone spiritual. In verse twenty she brings to the conversation the argument of who is right in the world of worship or better said in today’s terms, religion. Again, Jesus was not sidetracked and would not allow Himself to get into an argument about religion. Good apologetics (defending your faith) is based upon the correct motive and Biblical truth.
Another key observation when the lady got past her culture, her past and her ideology of religion she could really get what Jesus had to offer her. How often to we miss the living water by getting hung up on our culture (what we believe about ourselves and/or others) our past (what we believe about who we really are) and our religion (what we think it takes to be right)? What do you receive from Jesus? Can I get closer, ok, thank you, what did you receive yesterday? What did you receive last week? The last 10 minutes? Is something blocking your receipt of what Jesus really wants you to receive? David Platt is a fantastic young pastor whom I have gained a great level of respect primarily because of his love for Jesus. David states, “We don’t come to Jesus to get stuff (happiness/heaven/health/wealth). We come to Jesus to get Jesus.”[1]
It is so easy to get sidetracked today, we have a lot of things and misconceptions that tend to get in our way. However, this is no different from the 1st century AD. Ask the Lord to purify your motives, to clarify your view of Him and to open your mind to the truth of the Word of God. Ask Him to show you more of that living water so your testimony to your community, wherever that is, to be “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:29 (ESV)
Lord Jesus, we pray that You would open our eyes more and more as to who You really are and help us to seek You for who You are and not for what we can get. Amen.
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