Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Walking Away

10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. Matthew 24:10–12 (ESV)

According to a recent article from Fox News, singer Katy Perry makes the statement that has left her strict religious upbringing and that upbringing has kept her “from having a childhood.[1]” It is obvious that Christian values and Katy Perry are not synonymous at this point in her life. This statement plastered on the front page of FoxNews.com as well as other video and printed publications can tell Believers various things if we look to what is really truth.
First, Believers have a problem with Katy’s statement due to the fact that Jesus said He came to give abundant life (John 10:10). The message from Ms. Perry, along with other highly influential people today, seems to contradict what Jesus has said and only one can be truth. Is the Christian life robbing our young people of experiencing abundant, full, enjoyable life? To widen the gap, Jesus used the Greek word (perissos) , (translated abundant in the ESV) which can also mean exceptional, superfluous and even with special advantage.
I feel like I would be safe in saying that most young people would vote for Ms. Perry rather than Jesus in this contest. However, it is not true! One may argue that this verse only applies to the afterlife and this life is to be filled with Godly sorrow due to sin and the opposition of sin by God and Christians. I would argue differently, I think there is a perspective to consider in this equation. What the world calls abundant life is not true abundant life even in not considering the difference in the eternal promises that totally separate the two. Abundant life can only be found in a daily, growing walk with the Almighty God, nothing less. This is proven in Scripture over and over like in Psalms chapter 23. Yes there will be tribulations but are they not also tribulation to the other side as well? Let’s be fair in the comparison. There is also other logic to support this argument. Marriages are stronger on Jesus’ side. Statistics prove that Christians live longer and happier than the other side. Church history, specifically the martyrs, show the abundance of life on Jesus’ team.
Second thing to consider is the method of parenting skills that was used in Ms. Perry’s life. She made the statement that “she was not allowed to say things like ““deviled eggs”” or ““Dirt Devil”” to listen to secular music or read any other books but the Bible. There is a balance between grace and law clearly taught in the Bible. There is also a balance between grace and law and as well as explanation as to “why” in parenting. Children want to know. I wish I had spent more time lovingly explaining the “whys” to my children. Someone once said that children spells love, t.i.m.e. I think they are absolutely right. Putting a child in a glass house will not properly train the child in the way they should go. Show them the value of the Christian life realistically and tell them of the consequences of not following Jesus.
This brings us to the third thing we need to consider. According to the article Ms. Perry has not only left the faith but now has an open mind to false religions. Her husband, Russell Brand, is introducing her to Hindusim. The spiral downward continues. She states that “at this point,” she is “just kind of a drifter.” Biblically this is extremely dangerous for Ms. Perry but also for the thousands of people (probably mostly young people) that follow her and believe her.
Bottom line as parents and as Bible teaching Christians we have a major responsibility. Sure Jesus said in the last days there will be a great falling away and we surely see it now more than ever but can we be propelling this? I think so. With apathy and meisum (pronounced me’-isum) being so rampant in our churches we are traveling the wrong road. We need to teach parents how to be parents. We need to teach the Word of God to young people and to all people. 
Lord Jesus, forgive us for being lax and help us to know how to reach our youth and those that need more of You. Amen.

[1] Katy Perry: Strict Christian Upbringing Kept Me From Having a Childhood, Fox News viewed online at http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/05/03/katy-perry-strict-christian-upbringing-kept-having-childhood/?test=faces accessed 5-3-11.

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