Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Value of Compassion

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 (ESV)
How important is it to show compassion? Last week Jeannine and I were on our way to Lexington to spend some time with the kids. On our way we stopped at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Mount Vernon. I was a bit hungry since it was some past noon.  At first the counter people seemed to be on track as shortly after we walked in they opened another register to serve us. We gave our order, with special requirements as usual like potatoes with no gravy and plenty of honey for the biscuits. Our meal was prepared promptly; we are still on track for a good experience. Then it began to deteriorate. They pushed the food onto the counter and walked away. They didn’t tell us it was our food, they didn’t call our number; they were done. First I notice mashed potatoes with enough gravy to kill a cat. We stood at the counter both with the saddest look we could express on our faces hoping for someone to give us some attention. Finally Jeannine called for help to one of the non-interested ladies. They traded our potatoes and off we go to find a table.
After getting to the table I noticed no honey. When I went back to the counter the same familiar experience began, no one was interested in my sad face. Finally I got a nod and I asked for honey. She reached under the counter and handed me three small packs. Obviously they didn’t recognize we were not only hungry but we were southern country folks that really needed more honey. After obviously running out of the much needed sweetness Jeannine had to go back and try again.
Ever have a similar experience? What was the main issue? I think the bottom line is that we really want someone to care. These people working out their pay on a Saturday afternoon had some care because of their training. Yet as soon as the training was completed in their minds they was on to other things to think about. I remember while we were waiting they were laughing and talking among themselves. Yes, I must confess I am a stickler when it comes to customer service for a lot of reasons both business based and Bible based.
We wanted someone to care for our needs because we came there to fulfill a need. Now let me move our minds to the everyday world in which we live. You meet people every day that have needs. Most of their time they don’t want to know how much you know, they just want you to care for them. They want you to care about their issues, their problems and their needs. Jesus cared deeply for people. His compassion for people just flows out of the stories in the Gospels. He is the perfect model in how we are to develop a lifestyle of compassion. Do you care for people like Jesus? Next time you have an experience like ours think about your compassion for others and it may change the way you feel about how you are treated.
Lord Jesus, help us to have compassion for others as You are our ultimate role model. Amen.

Monday, July 11, 2011

God’s Letter to You

24 But the word of God increased and multiplied. Acts 12:24 (ESV)
Wow, we just completed a detailed study on the Bible, the origin, the progression, the translations and how to study this tangible document of immeasurable value. Think about God’s Word in your hands. Think about God’s Word in available to you anytime and every day. What does that mean to you? Let’s begin by thinking what it means to say God’s Word. The most likely first cognitive response is the Bible, the book that is placed somewhere in your home and carried (or should be carried) to church on Sunday. But think deeper this is the very Word of God. If you was to read a book written by Steve Bennett or even more practical and contemporary as you read this blog there are thoughts, ideas, concepts and messages being transferred from my mind to yours. That is the same thing that happens when you read the Bible. The very words of the Creator God is transferred from His infinite mind to yours in portions that you are able to handle.
In our study we discovered that some of the Word of God was penned by God Himself, no scribe, no inspired writer, by God. When Moses went to a mountain called Sinai God wrote a portion of the Bible and give it to His man. Wow, and you many, many years later get to read what the Creator of the Universe, the One who holds everything in His hand wrote! We are so blessed. I encourage you to stay in the Word, God’s Word, God’s Message to you. He wrote it, preserved it even gave you the means to own it. Give Him thanks for this wonderful gift and provision. Bless Him by reading it every day. If the president of the United States sent you a personal letter would you read it? Of course you would, you would be honored to receive it. God is much more valuable that any human being and He wrote you a wonderful love letter, be sure to read it again and again.
Lord Jesus show us more and more of the value of this precious love letter we call the Bible. Amen.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Walking Away

10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. Matthew 24:10–12 (ESV)

According to a recent article from Fox News, singer Katy Perry makes the statement that has left her strict religious upbringing and that upbringing has kept her “from having a childhood.[1]” It is obvious that Christian values and Katy Perry are not synonymous at this point in her life. This statement plastered on the front page of as well as other video and printed publications can tell Believers various things if we look to what is really truth.
First, Believers have a problem with Katy’s statement due to the fact that Jesus said He came to give abundant life (John 10:10). The message from Ms. Perry, along with other highly influential people today, seems to contradict what Jesus has said and only one can be truth. Is the Christian life robbing our young people of experiencing abundant, full, enjoyable life? To widen the gap, Jesus used the Greek word (perissos) , (translated abundant in the ESV) which can also mean exceptional, superfluous and even with special advantage.
I feel like I would be safe in saying that most young people would vote for Ms. Perry rather than Jesus in this contest. However, it is not true! One may argue that this verse only applies to the afterlife and this life is to be filled with Godly sorrow due to sin and the opposition of sin by God and Christians. I would argue differently, I think there is a perspective to consider in this equation. What the world calls abundant life is not true abundant life even in not considering the difference in the eternal promises that totally separate the two. Abundant life can only be found in a daily, growing walk with the Almighty God, nothing less. This is proven in Scripture over and over like in Psalms chapter 23. Yes there will be tribulations but are they not also tribulation to the other side as well? Let’s be fair in the comparison. There is also other logic to support this argument. Marriages are stronger on Jesus’ side. Statistics prove that Christians live longer and happier than the other side. Church history, specifically the martyrs, show the abundance of life on Jesus’ team.
Second thing to consider is the method of parenting skills that was used in Ms. Perry’s life. She made the statement that “she was not allowed to say things like ““deviled eggs”” or ““Dirt Devil”” to listen to secular music or read any other books but the Bible. There is a balance between grace and law clearly taught in the Bible. There is also a balance between grace and law and as well as explanation as to “why” in parenting. Children want to know. I wish I had spent more time lovingly explaining the “whys” to my children. Someone once said that children spells love, t.i.m.e. I think they are absolutely right. Putting a child in a glass house will not properly train the child in the way they should go. Show them the value of the Christian life realistically and tell them of the consequences of not following Jesus.
This brings us to the third thing we need to consider. According to the article Ms. Perry has not only left the faith but now has an open mind to false religions. Her husband, Russell Brand, is introducing her to Hindusim. The spiral downward continues. She states that “at this point,” she is “just kind of a drifter.” Biblically this is extremely dangerous for Ms. Perry but also for the thousands of people (probably mostly young people) that follow her and believe her.
Bottom line as parents and as Bible teaching Christians we have a major responsibility. Sure Jesus said in the last days there will be a great falling away and we surely see it now more than ever but can we be propelling this? I think so. With apathy and meisum (pronounced me’-isum) being so rampant in our churches we are traveling the wrong road. We need to teach parents how to be parents. We need to teach the Word of God to young people and to all people. 
Lord Jesus, forgive us for being lax and help us to know how to reach our youth and those that need more of You. Amen.

[1] Katy Perry: Strict Christian Upbringing Kept Me From Having a Childhood, Fox News viewed online at accessed 5-3-11.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tough Day?

21 From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. Matthew 16:21 (ESV)
Have you ever dreaded starting a day? Maybe there has been tragedy in your life and during the midst of the difficult time you just did not want to get out of bed on a particular day. We do not have to have the ability of divine foreknowledge to reflect on times in our past where we thought we could not get through a day or a week or a particular time in our life. Maybe it was death or divorce or surgery or cancer or even child birth and you would have just liked to skip that portion of your life.
I would not be bold enough or silly enough to say that Jesus dreaded what was going to take place at Calvary. However, though He was 100% God He was also 100% human. I can not image what went through His mind knowing even more than He told His disciples prior to what was going to take place in just a few days. Mel Gibson’s movie helped me to understand more of what I had read in Scripture time and time again but even the best filmmakers could not show what our Lord went through. Has the thought ever entered your mind, what we would I have done?
The amazing love that it took for any person to do what Jesus, the Son of God, did for us is beyond comprehension. He even had the discouragement of the disciples as they heard Him speak different times about going to Jerusalem that it wasn’t safe. Yet Jesus knew and was driven by love for you to complete this tough day.
I’m so thankful the story doesn’t end here. Tough days, even in our limited perspective, are hard to get through. Truly love drove Jesus to Jerusalem to face physical, emotional and spiritual torment on our behalf. There was also something else driving Him. Jesus told the people during His ministry “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10b). He had a purpose and a goal in mind. The completion of the task, the victory of the battle was another driving force. To complete what He was sent to do, to finalize the mission given by the Father, God Almighty and to win to Himself people that would believe in Him as Lord and Savior. Wow! Now that’s my Jesus! He is the perfect example of enduring the tough days.
The hope and vision of the Resurrection is what gives us a hope like to other. What Jesus did on Calvary is mind blowing but oh the completion! The tough day was turned into a glorious day! When our Savior, our Redeemer broke the bonds of death, hell and the grave and by His resurrection set us free. We can get through tough days because Jesus got through the ultimate tough day. We can excel when everything seems like it is falling apart if we reflect on the truth that the Son of God provided for His own.  
Lord Jesus forgive us when we whine. You set the ultimate example and have given more than we can ever know in this life. Blessed be Your Name. Amen.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love Inside Out – 2

14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:14–21)[1]
The love that comes from within us is so powerful and yet this power can be ignored or perfected in amazing ways, ways we can fully discover. Though the discovery is limitless the process of discovery is extremely rewarding. Marital love is a small example or reflection of this infinitely more powerful and infinitely abundant love called in the Greek language, agape. When sincere, right, perfected the love between a man and woman can be really amazing, rewarding, exciting and living, only to mention a few attributes and benefits of this love.
 The love of God flowing through us is limitless in application and direction. Paul describes it as having four dimensions, height, width, length and depth. This analogy goes beyond common human understanding. According to Wikipedia the concept of the fourth dimension In mathematics or a four-dimensional ("4D") space, is an abstract concept derived by generalizing the rules of three-dimensional space. It has been studied by mathematicians and philosophers for almost two hundred years, both for its own interest and for the insights it offered into mathematics and related fields. In modern physics, space and time are unified in a four-dimensional Minkowski continuum called spacetime, whose metric treats the time dimension differently from the three spatial dimensions.[clarification needed] [2] Did you totally follow this? I can not comprehend this depth of physics or mathematics it is beyond my comprehension. Same way with the volume and power of God’s love, it is beyond my full comprehension.
Though God’s love is vast, as I stated last week it can be comprehended enough at the time you need it. The fullness of God’s love maybe beyond total comprehension but it is still comprehendable sufficiently for you. It is like the ocean, you may not be able to understand it but it is so cool to swim in. So, I challenge you to swim in God’s love. The first time I ran down the beach in Jacksonville, Florida I was amazed, I have never seen so much water. Look at God’s love like that, be amazed but swim in it, bask in it, splash it around all areas of your life and just get happy with it.
The vastness of God’s love is also multidimensional in application. Not only can it surround and saturate every (not almost every) part of your life it can affect others as well. Peter wrote, Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:8 (ESV). The vastness of God’s love in the life of a child of God can change other people, it covers a multitude of sins. Jesus said other people will know that you are mine if you love me. That love has an effect on other people. However, it goes even farther than that. The apage love of God flowing through a child of God can change a spouse, can change a child, can change a co-worker. Oh, experience the greatest of God’s love in your life like never before. It is amazing, it is unending, it is so powerful to you and to others it splashes upon.
Lord Jesus, teach us to love You more. Teach us to experience Your love in every area of our life. Show us how Your love can change areas of our lives that never crossed our minds. Show us how that Your love can change the lives of others all to Your glory, Amen.

[1] All scripture references are from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible
[2] Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the not-for-profit Wikimedia Foundation: Accessed March 28th, 2011 at

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love Inside Out

14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:14–21 (ESV)
The Apostle Paul had a great love for the church of his Savoir. There is a common thread throughout his letters to various churches how he not only loved them but prayed for them deeply, earnestly and sincerely. This kind of deep prayer was hard evidence of that love. In the book of Ephesians we find one of those prayers in which I believe we can learn much from.
Paul’s passion for the church is seen in this prayer but Paul’s passion for Jesus is also seen in the prayer. This passion or love that, according to Paul, comes from somewhere inside him. I believe the world today, including most Christians, don’t know how to love. We are told that love is an emotion, we are told that love is a choice, we are told that we can choose to love or not to love. We are told that we can find love and loose love. All this distorts the true meaning of love. I believe the world we live in would be a much different place if we knew how to love. I also believe Paul gives us a massive clue on just how to love.
Paul says that he prays that you, the church, would be strengthened with power. Surely if there is ever a time we need to be strengthened with power it is in the day we live. This power is through His (God’s) Spirit, the Holy Spirit and it comes from your inner being. Wow! Now we are looking at a power source that Paul further articulates is limitless and this power source is from the Almighty God. Sound interesting so far? Could you use a power source like that today, tomorrow and the rest of your life? I sure can. But there’s more.
This power source seems to center around one object and that object is not only limitless in power but is limitless in availability or volume. An unending resource that is from the Almighty God that is from inside every born again Christian. That object is love. However, let us not miss that fact that this love is unique it is God’s love that comes from within us not from our minds, not from our experiences, not from our choices, it comes from within us. One hundred percent available, limitless in volume and limitless in power and it is available to you.
This amazing love is also comprehendible, not in it fullest but in the sufficiency you need. Notice in verse 18 part of Paul’s prayer is that you comprehend this love and again in verse 19 that you would know this love. As a matter of fact the book of I John tells us that this love, God’s agape love, can be perfected, learned, mastered to a progressive degree (1 John 4:12). Now think with me, a limitless power source that comes from inside of you as a gift from the Almightly God, wow! My next question is are you using it, according to Scripture it is there, you have it, are you using it?
I have lived most of my life hearing about and paying for an energy crisis. During the term of President Jimmy Carter there was supposed to be a shortage of crude oil that drove prices out the roof. The story was that we was loosing our supply of oil and compensation had to be made. Speed limits were reduced, rations were considered it was a big deal. Now thirty plus years later we still have crude oil. What happened? It was either a lie or we found more oil. I believe most Christians run through live with an abundance of a power source that they rarely tap into for various reasons. Sometimes I think they don’t tap into because they don’t believe, or in other words they believe a lie. Most of the time though I believe they don’t tap into it because they don’t know how or they just don’t have the practice and/or experience.
Ask God to show you how to tap into this power source. Allow it to change the way you think. Allow it to change your family status, your marriage, your work place. I totally believe it can because Scripture says it will. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:8 that love covers a multitude of sins and sin is what causes all the conflict we face in life. So go ahead, earnestly, sincerely and expectantly ask God to show you how to tap into and use this limitless power source that comes from within you. I believe it will change the way you do life.
Lord Jesus, You said if we love You the world will see that love and know we are Yours, that is called witness and there is much, much more. Show us how to love with the love that Paul wrote about to Your glory. Amen.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some of The Purposes of God

My favorite Bible character next to Jesus is the Apostle John. I love to read his books and as a matter of fact I am reading through the Gospel of John right now in preparation for an initiative our church is calling “Find it Here.” It has again been such a blessing to me to read after the man that Jesus loved. The man that was leaning on Jesus during the Lord’s Supper. The man that was exiled for Jesus to an island in the middle of the Mediterranean called Patmos. There is so much in the book of John to be learned. There is a lot about love and there is a lot about purpose.
There are three primary purposes found in the book. The first is our purpose of existence found in John 11:52b. ...“and not for the nation only, but also to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.” Your Godly purpose to be in existence is to have the opportunity to be a part of the children or Kingdom of God. This is why the Creator God created you and the reason you have life. That life, just like the lives of those whom you are praying for, is by grace to know Him as a born-again child.
Second, we find the purpose of Jesus coming as God incarnate to this earth. John 12:27 states this purpose as, ““Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.” Jesus during the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the beginning what is known today as passion week states His purpose clearly. Savior of the world, Savior of those whom trust Him (2 Cor. 5:15), Redeemer, Friend, King, King Jesus! People need to know why Jesus came. Most would accept that He was here. A Muslim would accept the fact that Jesus walked the earth but they don’t know why He came.
Third, we can find the purpose of the Gospel in the book of John. The entire purpose of the book is found in John 20:31. “but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” The purpose of John writing the Gospel of John, the Good News of John, the true story of Jesus according to the apostle John is that you may know, that you may believe that this King Jesus is the Son of God. The Mormons that knock on your door may say they are a witness of Jesus Christ and are His saints in the latter days but they do not acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. Ask John, “to YOU who is Jesus?” He will tell you that Jesus was, is and always will be the Son of the Living God, God Almighty, God the Creator of all that exists. This IS the Good News and you have it in your hands.
I am thankful God has a purpose for us. I am also so thankful that purpose included all the promises, joy, fulfillment and the blessed relationship with Jesus. Lord Jesus, show us more of the purpose you have for each of us and help us to rejoice in Your truths of Your Word. Amen.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

More Jesus for the right reasons.

Almost every time I read John chapter four where Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at the community well I see such comparisons to people today. Jesus’ evangelism mythology is nothing short of amazing not to mention note worthy. He avoids getting sidetracked; He pleasantly controls the conversation and holds to nothing but the truth. The woman on the other hand is so typical of people today. Jesus asks a simple request for water and she immediately sizes up the cultural situation as her response. She immediately makes note that there were differences, actually many differences in that culture, of this almost rude request. This however, doesn’t bother Jesus, He stays focused on His objective.
Jesus gives her an opportunity to know the truth He had for her early in the conversation but she then avoided it with logic and logistics. The living water was to far fetched and the well was too deep without the proper mechanical mechanism. When she, seemingly skeptically sarcastic, asks for the proof of the water, Jesus gets personal by asking about her personal life. Remember His intent is perfect, His motive is perfect and what He had to offer this woman was totally perfect.
Once the lady was caught up in the power of God in Jesus’ total knowledge about her personal life she turns religious because she thought she was before a prophet (modern day preacher). I see this often. People change and/or become spiritual when they discover they are in the presence of someone spiritual. In verse twenty she brings to the conversation the argument of who is right in the world of worship or better said in today’s terms, religion. Again, Jesus was not sidetracked and would not allow Himself to get into an argument about religion. Good apologetics (defending your faith) is based upon the correct motive and Biblical truth. 
Another key observation when the lady got past her culture, her past and her ideology of religion she could really get what Jesus had to offer her. How often to we miss the living water by getting hung up on our culture (what we believe about ourselves and/or others) our past (what we believe about who we really are) and our religion (what we think it takes to be right)? What do you receive from Jesus? Can I get closer, ok, thank you, what did you receive yesterday? What did you receive last week? The last 10 minutes? Is something blocking your receipt of what Jesus really wants you to receive? David Platt is a fantastic young pastor whom I have gained a great level of respect primarily because of his love for Jesus. David states, “We don’t come to Jesus to get stuff (happiness/heaven/health/wealth). We come to Jesus to get Jesus.”[1]
It is so easy to get sidetracked today, we have a lot of things and misconceptions that tend to get in our way. However, this is no different from the 1st century AD. Ask the Lord to purify your motives, to clarify your view of Him and to open your mind to the truth of the Word of God. Ask Him to show you more of that living water so your testimony to your community, wherever that is, to be “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:29 (ESV)
Lord Jesus, we pray that You would open our eyes more and more as to who You really are and help us to seek You for who You are and not for what we can get. Amen.

[1] David Platt message on twitter read on Feb. 24 2011.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Importance of Persistent Prayer

O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry        everything to God in prayer. The second half of the first verse of the old hymn, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” could explain why American Christians are struggling so much today. The lyrics was wrote by Joseph M. Scriven as a poem in 1855 to comfort his mother who was living in Ireland while he was in Canada. Scriven originally published the poem anonymously, and only received full credit for it in the 1880s. The tune to the hymn was composed by Charles Crozat Converse in 1868. William Bolcom composed a setting of the hymn.[1] Though now more than a century later this song surely tells us why there are so many things going wrong around us. We just don’t pray enough. We don’t trust prayer.
This week multiple issues and circumstances have almost overwhelmed me with the result coming to the fight against discouragement. Can a person get so discouraged they can’t pray? Nehemiah faced extreme discouragement in his life when he had left a perfect job in a prosperous land. He left family, relationships and comfort to do the work of God. In all of this it would seem that he would be rewarded with great success, right? That is not how it came to pass and that is not how it comes to pass today. He was attacked by so-called good-doers that had the motive to destroy him. This brought great discouragement.
So in his despair and loneliness what did Nehemiah do? He prayed. The Bible says in Nehemiah 4:9 (ESV) And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night. Discouragement and disappointment can drive us to the point we see no hope, even in prayer. However, we can not stop there; we can not allow things to get to that point. Just like the old hymn of the late 1800’s, this is our only hope. This is the substance that protects, sustains and enhances life, our life with the Almighty God. So my encouragement for you today is to pray, pray and never stop praying even when you don’t see why, how or even when you don’t feel like it. What a Friend we have in Jesus, let’s continue to pray and converse with our Only Hope!
Lord Jesus help us in our weakest hour, help us in our most independent hour, helps us to pray. Amen.

[1] Wikipedia: Found on line at accessed March 6, 2011.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Value of Integrity

12 But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in your presence forever. Psalm 41:12 (ESV)
in•teg•ri•ty  noun 1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility 2an unimpaired condition : soundness 3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness[1]

Living a life of high integrity is not easy work but has extremely valuable benefits. A life of strong integrity outlasts the life itself moving into the legacy that is left long after the person leaves this life. However, seeing living lives of high integrity seem to be seen less and less in the 21st century. Whether it is in the lives of the people we associate with on a daily basis or the people in leadership and in the lime light of today’s society, integrity seems to be diminishing rapidly.
This regression of such a distinguishing character trait has to have a reason. Could it be that people today can not see the value of integrity? Is it something that is forgotten rather than expected? David uses this word in conjunction with a precept that is beyond human imagination. He said because of his integrity he would be before the presence of the Almighty, Creator God forever. Now we are talking value; value that surpasses any human motive to live a life of integrity. Let me ask you, if the people of the United States of America could see this kind of value in living a life of integrity, in every aspect of their lives not just where people could see them, how would it change our society?
Several OT characters are designated persons of integrity: Noah (Gen. 6:9); Abraham (Gen. 17:1); Jacob (Gen. 25:27); Job (Job 1:1, 8; 2:3); and David (1 Kings 9:4).[2] Their walk of faith moved them to a life of integrity. So is it that a life of strong faith produces a life of integrity? The word is used twenty-five times in the Bible but only once in the New Testament. Paul told Titus to 7 Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us (Titus 2:7–8).
A few of things can be seen here in this text. First, integrity can be taught and passed on. Just like anything else that is taught well or is of importance to be taught the best way to teach it is by living and showing it in our lives. Second, it encompasses much more than image. It encompasses our speech, our actions, every aspect of our lives. It is deep and very valuable. Third, it is the opposite of shame. No one wants to be in a state of shame, we all seek acceptance with others. Last, it is communal. Paul doesn’t tell Titus to have integrity just for himself but for the benefit of both of them (V.8b).
Bottom line, living a life of integrity is obtainable, teachable and has value beyond our wildest imaginations. I encourage you to commit to it, make it a lifestyle. Don’t just expect it from others, live it in yourself. Don’t just wish for it in our society, teach it in our society first by living it in your own life and then in words and encouragement to others. Do it with intentionality all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and show you areas you may be missing in your own life that relates to your integrity. Ask Him and He will show you great and mighty things you do not yet know (Jer. 33:3). Take nothing for granted but everything in subject to the Lord that you may prove His good and acceptable and perfect will (Rom. 12:3).
Lord Jesus, send forth Your Holy Spirit to teach us how to live a life of integrity for Your glory. Amen.

[1] Inc Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary., Eleventh ed. (Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2003).
[2] Chad Brand, Charles Draper, Archie England et al., Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, 827 (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Value of The Church

4 And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For this is contained in Scripture: “Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, And he who believes in Him will not be disappointed.” 7 This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, “The stone which the builders rejected, This became the very corner stone,” 8 and, “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense”; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed. 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:4–10 (NAS)
Value is a priority in today’s world. Wal-Mart was built on the word value. Such things as Ebay and Craigslist are centered around value. Since a large portion of our lives is consumed with money, whether it is making it or spending it, it is a major priority in our lives today. Think about it, how long does it take almost any conversation before something comes up about money and value. The conversation could be focused on politics, work, pleasure, whatever the subject it will soon turn to money and/or value. I don’t think there is anything wrong with looking for value in life. The Bible speaks a lot about value. As a matter of fact there are more references to money in the Bible than almost any other subject. It is how we live.
Smart people know what and how to value almost everything. I would encourage you to find value in your spouse. I would also encourage you to find the value in spending time with your children and grandchildren. If you don’t see the value you won’t have any passion in what you are doing. I confidently believe that Jesus saw value in people, the cross, His mission and a lot more things. But what about the church? When I talk to unchurched, dechurched or slacking churched people I hear a lot about value. They don’t like this or that, they don’t like getting up early on Sunday morning, even though on the average churches start their day much later than almost any other thing in our world that consumes time. Basically they do not see any or enough value in the church to commit to it. Saved and unsaved people, young and older people, almost any gender, race or nationality, it is all the same they look for value and just don’t see it. What about the tons of people that sit in church every Sunday and even Wednesday night that just go because they feel obligated, do they see value?
Pastors, church staff people as well as other agencies such as Lifeway,, spend large amounts of time and money to increase the value or communicate the value of being in church. It is very much like the same efforts Walmart, IBM, Sears and all the other thousands of companies do to tell you, show you and convince you of the value of doing business with them, same exact thing. But why should this happen? Why can’t people, lost and saved, see the value of the church? Is it the church’s fault? I think the church (the people that are supposed to be the church) has a lot of responsibility. However, there is more to the story than that.
I firmly believe that the reason we are in existence, the reason we are alive and move and breathe is that God has a purpose for everyone one of us. However, that purpose is NOT centered around us, it is centered around the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Simply put I believe that the reason we are in existence is for the purpose that God the Father desired before the beginning of time to build for His Son a Kingdom and that is known in the Bible as the Kingdom of God. Everything Christians do should be centered around the Kingdom of God. Additionally, the Kingdom of God has another name given by Jesus, the church. So how much value does the church have? More than anything tangible thing in this world. The church is the forming of the Kingdom of God and if you have a problem with the church you have a problem with the King. If you see no value in the church you have a problem with the King. If you see no value in the church you see no value in the King.
The first and second commandment is centered around and fully supports this concept. The Great Commission is centered around and was given to the church, for the purpose of the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Read the book of Matthew, just how many times is the Kingdom referenced in one book? Think of what Jesus said, “I will build My Church (Kingdom) and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). It is all about Jesus and His church. Got a problem getting up on Sunday mornings? Got a problem with the people or music at the church? Things aren’t going like you want them to at the church? You have a problem with the very organism that The Son of The Almighty Creator God died for, the church and ultimately you have a problem with the King Jesus. Are they any value in the church? I’ll let you decide that.
Lord Jesus, show us Your Truth and give us the proper insights to what You came to earth to build and give value to. Let us see Your church as You see it. Amen.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Power of Association – Exodus 32

It is so hard to believe that in the absence of Moses on Mount Sinai that Aaron and the rest of the Hebrew people could have fallen away so soon, or is it? In the 32nd chapter of Exodus we find Moses somewhere on a special mountain that is called God’s mountain. We find Joshua and a few more of Moses protégées somewhere between the Hebrews at the foot of the mountain and Moses as he talks with the Almighty God. God has given Moses what is known today as the Law, the guidelines for worship and the manner of life for these Hebrews from now on. This law, as we have since discovered is quite strict and detailed. However, these people had never had such a law. They had been in a land adjoining a group of pagans known as the Egyptians. Let us not forget that these people have never been, as we calling in our churches today, discipled. These people have lived for, with and next to a group of people that worshiped idols and false gods. Really bad influence!
It is so easy to look at someone’s failures and make a clear judgment of, “I can’t believe you did this.” At the same time we totally miss our own failures, fallings and times of slipping away. It is so easy to look at these people with contempt, though truly they were in the wrong and God justly judged them. However, we often hold them to a standard we don’t hold ourselves to. We have so much more that these people did in the way of revelation, example and instruction. Yet we tend to do the same thing. Our gods may not be a golden calf but they do come in other packages, sizes, colors and styles. Actually both groups, the Hebrews and you and I, may have the same problem – us. We tend to do things our way, on our time, to our benefit and in short we make ourselves the gods these people prayed to and worshiped.
I think the power of association has a lot to do with the scenario that we see in both Genesis chapter thirty-two and Christians in the 21st century. They had spent some four hundred years rubbing shoulders with pagan people. Their ways, traits and lifestyles had made an impact on the Hebrews; it had to, it always does. Where we spend our time, where we allow our eyes and ears to go and how we live day to day has an effect on how we relate to God. Better said how we associate directly effects our holiness. First Thessalonians tells us that God’s will for our lives is to be sanctified, which simply means to be holy or be more like Jesus (I Thess. 4:3).
I think we can learn a lot from the Hebrews in chapter thirty-two. I think their failure can be a warning for us and help us to understand the power of association. Absent from Moses’ leadership and spirituality they done what they had seen in Egypt. First, we need to evaluation where and whom we associate with daily. If you are in a destructive workplace evaluate how to change it or move. If you are spending too much time with the wrong crowd either in person or via the many methods of relating in the 21st century (internet, email, phone, text, television, etc.) then do something about that. Second, be sure you are spending time with your Moses. This could be a person or various people. For an example your number one Moses needs to be Jesus and though He is always with you; you CAN ignore Him. You may also need other Moses’ like pastors, strong accountability Christian influences and of course the church can be another Moses in your life. Evaluate then pray about your world of association and then ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth but don’t forget to follow through with the commitment and completion of proper association. If you need to change ask the Holy Spirit to help you. I know one thing for sure, He has never let me down yet.
Lord Jesus please by the power of your precious Holy Spirit help us to know our world of association and help us to make the most of it, to bring about your sanctification in our lives. Amen.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Perspectives on Life

One thing this week has shown me while sitting at a hospital for four days and not being a patient but being patient is another perspective on life. I love to watch people or better said notice their expressions, mannerisms and such and try to reflect on what is going on in the world. We have had a wide array of people administering some type of care to the real patient. Some are real and have such a heart and some, you can tell, is there because they have to. Have you ever done something you were supposed to be passionate about or something that other people would like for you to be real and passionate about but just couldn’t get there? If you have ever worked for anyone and not been passionate about it then you have been there.
Jesus wasn’t like that. He came to earth for a mission and always, always had passion. The movie the Passion of Christ reflected only a small percentage of that passion and truly the movie title really wasn’t titled with the same passion that I am speaking of. Think with me or maybe even open your Bible and read. Do you think Jesus was passionate when He cleansed the temple? Do you think Jesus was passionate when He healed blind eyes and deaf ears? Do you think Jesus was passionate when He prayed for us in the Upper Room?
Jesus was passionate in everything thing He did for many reasons. First, He wanted to please His Heavenly Father. He made this clear that whatever He done He did because and to please His Father (John 5:19). Second, He understood the mission He was to complete. Jesus didn’t just do day by day He had a plan to finish and finish He did very well (John 19:30). Thirdly, Jesus saw the big picture. His focus not only was to complete the mission, He understood and kept the mission in His perspective at all times. The high times when He saw people receive His grace and then worship or bless Him and the times when almost everyone wanted to kill Him. Fourth, He did everything through the perspective of love. Jesus loved people (Mk. 10:21) and He showed that love and He focused on that love. In other words Jesus was real in His love.
So what does people see when they see you? Do they see a smiling face, a heart of love or something much more superficial? Jesus’ perspective on life made Jesus different; maybe that is what made some people not like Him. It may even make people around you different but it’s worth it especially if Jesus is the example. I want to be like Jesus. I want people to see that I’m different. I want people to see that I’m real. What about you?
Lord Jesus, help us to be more like You. Amen.

Friday, January 28, 2011

God will bring it to pass…

Would it not be an understatement to say that we get in a hurry? Would it also be safe to say that we often procrastinate? Both can intentionally or unintentionally go unnoticed due to choice, busyness or whatever other deterrent that comes our way. This real fact in our lives can present a continuum in the context of purpose and opportunity. Arguably, everyone has been on both sides of this line multiple times. But our Creator God is not this way, His way is perfect and He doesn’t procrastinate nor does He get in a hurry to see something come to pass. However, His love and mercy allows us to make these daily choices and often we find ourselves doing what we don’t’ want to do either being too anxious or too lax.
Moses found himself on both ends of this continuum. He went from savior to coward, from having almost everything in Pharaoh’s court to the Median desert, from aggressive to passive. Observing Moses’ life, things are much of a rollercoaster, but we have the privileged to look at his entire life from a very distant perspective. We see his beginnings and his end in only a few chapters of the Bible and we do not see the small day-to-day things, to these we are left only to imagine. Just before he ran for his life after killing an Egyptian things really look great for him. He has it together. However, on his way back to Egypt after spending a lot of lonely, humiliating time in the desert of Midian we see him so passive that his wife has to take control or he would have died (Gen. 4). I think if we are honest with ourselves we can relate to Moses. I think if we are honest with ourselves we often look a lot like Moses. But what about our Creator God?
Notice the call of Moses by God in Genesis 3:4. God uses Moses’ name twice consecutively, “Moses, Moses.” This is not the only time God does this. When God called the great prophet Samuel He does the same thing, “Samuel, Samuel” (1 Sam. 3:10). It happens again in the New Testament with the calling of the Apostle Paul, when God says, “Saul, Saul” (Acts 9:4). But this pattern does not end with calling of persons names, Jesus often repeated words back-to-back especially the Hebrew word “amen” often translated in our English Bibles as “Surely, Surely”, “Truly, Truly”, or in the KJV, “Verily, Verily.” Why is this?
First, this shows the certainty of God, the sovereignty of God and how our God is not like a shadow moving depending on the pressure or light source (James 1:17). God is in control of what He chooses to be in control of and He never looses or has lost control since the beginning of everything. Wow! There is more though. There is a verse, a bit of evidence in the story of Joseph that brings all this to reality. Joseph is given a gift of prophecy in the form of dreams and dream interpretation. He first has a repetitious dream about his family (Gen 37). Then after he has been sold by his brothers and finds himself in Egypt. Pharaoh has repetitious dreams and Joseph says “And the doubling of Pharaoh’s dream means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about” (Gen. 41:32).
When God sets a certain thing in order it will come to pass. He is without shadow or turning (James 1:17). He is steadfast, He is God! Notice further in the account of Saul’s call, as we have already seen He uses Saul’s name twice. But when He calls Ananias to go see and minister to Saul God only uses Ananias’ name once. Why is that? Could it be that one way or another it was God’s plan and purpose (Doctrine of Providence) that Saul would be the Apostle Paul, but in Ananias’ case if he passed up this opportunity (procrastination/sin) God would have simply used someone else? The harmony of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility, it happens everyday and it happens in your life too.
Be blessed in knowing that we serve a God who is in control of all things yet loves us enough to give us a choice. Be blessed in knowing that that same God loves you and wants you to depend on Him and at the same time be diligent in the opportunities He brings you. Do not stress out thinking you will blow it. First, we all have blown it and second, if you ask Him, He will bring it to pass (Prov. 3:1-12).
Father, we praise you for your sovereignty and your patience in our lives. Direct us and guide us and please by the power of Your Holy Spirit help us to be submissive, obedience and diligent. Help us to make our yes, yes and our no, no. Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do-it-Yourself Project

When Cain’s selfishness, pride, anger and stupidity overcame his better judgment of forgiveness and resolution rather than retaliation he shallowly replied to God’s question with a question. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9) What was he asking? What we he really saying? I don’t have the responsibility of my brother? I don’t want the responsibility of my brother? I am an independent individual and that is all I want and all that You require God?
I think it is worth pondering that God didn’t directly answer Cain’s question, at least not verbally. God did answer the question with His judgment upon Cain. “and now you are cursed from the ground…” (Gen 4:11a) But the question still lies open or does it? It has been answered over and over throughout Scripture. The answer is a unmistakably yes! The Second Commandment answers that question. Jesus answered that question not only in His teaching but in His example and His purpose. Then Paul writes to the church in Rome “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” (Rom. 15:1) The context is to Christians individually and in the church setting. The concept of chapter 14:1-15-13 is that we are responsible and obligated to our brother’s/sister’s well being, physically, emotionally and spiritually. He goes further in verse 2 of chapter 15 to say, Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.” (Rom 15:2) Now, this Biblical truth says our brother’s/sister’s importance level is more than our own.
However, there is more. If we stop right here this Biblical truth seems to add more pressure to our all ready over-stressed lives, right? If we stop right there and that would be foolish because with God all endings are happy and if it doesn’t show joy then it is not over. Look at Romans 14:17, the purpose of life is the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God has a purpose for us to enjoy peace and joy. What if we step back and look at the bigger picture, not looking at it only from our perspective? What if we turned it around and asked the question do I need my brothers and sisters to be MY keeper? Your first response maybe be no but that is totally from whatever level of pride is still in your life. The real answer is yes, we need help and this (life) is not a do-it-yourself project[1], I need you and I need Jesus!
On one of our mission opportunities to Brazil, the church sang a song that translated “I need you, you need me and we need Jesus.” How true can this be, yet satan (I didn’t capitalize his name on purpose) wants us to believe we are independent, not needing others and certainly not our brother’s keeper. He wants you to believe that this is a do-it-yourself project (life). But Jesus said (and I totally believe everything Jesus said and says) that satan is a liar. The truth is we need each other and when you look at the bigger picture, being my brother’s/sister’s keep is not more weight on my life. It is a privilege to share in the teamwork of life within the purpose of the Eternal Creator God. I need you, you need me, we need Jesus, and this is not a do-it-yourself project.
Lord Jesus, show us more of Your truth and help us to see the bigger picture. Teach us more about You, Your Word and how to be the best brother’s/sister’s keeper we can be in the center of your righteousness, peace and joy, all to Your glory. Amen.

[1] ________________, The Everyday Guide to Prayer: 2002 Barbour Publishing, Inc. Uhrichsville, Oh ISBN 1-58660-224-1

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shattered Clay Judgment

Jeremiah was a man of God that went through tremendous testing and trials. Known as the “weeping prophet” he had to preach to his fellow people whom God had just pronounced divorcement to. He was imprisoned, served under various kings experiencing a seesaw of political leadership; he even had one of the kings to burn his scroll. Not a piece of work done on a computer easily reprinted.
When we come to chapter 19 God tells Jeremiah to go purchase a clay pot from the local pottery shop, take it to the Valley of Slaughter and smash it to pieces on the ground. Wow, this doesn’t sound like the loving God many modern day prophets talk about. The God that they know that wouldn’t send anyone to a place known as hell. The place to bust the pot was call Hinnom. It was a deep, narrow ravine separating Mount Zion from the so-called “Hill of Evil Counsel.” It had been the place where the idolatrous Jews burned, yes you heard right, burned their children alive to Moloch and Baal.
The Jews associated with this valley these two ideas, (1) that of the sufferings of the victims that had there been sacrificed; and (2) that of filth and corruption. It therefore became to the common mind a symbol of the abode of the wicked hereafter. The Greek word Gehenna (hell) would be the translation to that language.” [1]
Why would God ask Jeremiah to do such a thing? Because though God is entirely a God of love, He is also a God that is entirely holy. Holiness in the purity of the Creator, Almighty God means that sin will not and cannot be tolerated in any form. Therefore we can say that God is entirely a God of love and entirely a just God. The holy and just God has, can and will be angered. That is why we find Jesus as the only answer to the opportunity to be in the presence of the Almighty, Creator God. It is only by Him that we have access to ANY degree.
It is so easy to think about, talk about and take advantage of the loving God that is so real. However, it is not a popular thing to consider the holy and just God that will break the clay pots in the time of judgment. Thinking deeper, how was we made? Adam was formed from what, dirt? Clay? Wow, clay pots being crushed because of sin, new concept, I don’t think so.
Unfortunately this truth is most often followed by the spirit of rejection and denial. Humans do not want to face the holy God only the loving God but He is God both holy and loving. Now don’t get confused, God does NOT have a split personality these are the truest character traits of the Almighty God, the One who Created all, the God of the Bible.
This should not leave a bad taste in our mouths or get us in a bad mood. This should be a truth we rejoice in. Why? Glad you asked. An all Holy God is a God that can be trusted. He is a God that will make all things new, like or even better than they were before man messed them up. He is a God that will not change like the weather or a shadow; He is dependable, totally fair and righteous. You see we really need such a God, such a Father. As terrifying as it may begin in our minds we really need God to be holy and just.
In this light, the truth of the coming judgment, I challenge you in two ways. One, praise God for being totally complete, totally holy and totally loving and second allow this truth to make you a better witness to those who do not know or deny the real truth.
Father, help us to understand you more that we may praise you more and be more like your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus. Amen.

[1] M.G. Easton, Easton's Bible Dictionary (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1996).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tend My Sheep

In John chapter twenty one the Apostle John gives us a unique view of one of the last historical event of Jesus’ time on earth during His first advent. We see a man that had denied Jesus, repented and basically given up on ministry by returning to his former vocation. You know this man as Simon Peter. The scene is somewhere on the beautiful shores of the Sea of Galilee where Simon and his comrades have fished all night with absolutely no luck and then Jesus appears very unexpectedly. Jesus prepares breakfast, gives phenomenal instruction on the latest news on where the fish are biting and then enters into a serious dialogue with Mr. Peter.

As with all other Scripture, I believe there are multiple concepts, messages and teachings in this text of John 21:15-19. It is unquestionable that the central theme is based on love as Jesus asks Simon Peter three times if he loves Him. In addition, there are two forms of the word love used in the Greek that sheds tremendous light on the type of love we are to use in the fulfilling of the second commandment. But I believe there is more; more for the 21st century church, more for me and you.

First, there is a change of emphasis beyond the subject of love. The very large successful catch would represent the true occupation of the followers of Jesus, today we call them Christians, not necessarily preachers, Christians. That catch would represent the need and the work of Christ in evangelism. Yet there is more because the focus moves from evangelism to discipleship and ministry. Jesus says tend and feed My sheep. Now we have to stop for a second to identify whom the command of action is given. Is it Simon Peter, is it all the Disciples, is it to all pastors/clergy or could it be simply to all Christians. A new thought? I thought it might be.

Next let’s look at the subject of the feeding and tending, the sheep. Sheep stink, sheep are stupid and cannot take care of themselves. However, Biblical sheep are Christians, anything else may look, act and dress like sheep but according to Scripture they are not sheep (Matt 7:15; 25:32-33; John 10:1-18). Also according to Scripture sheep are quite important (Matt. 18:12; Lk. 15:4-6). Even greater Jesus, the Eternal, all-powerful Son of God, was sent to and for the sheep (Matt. 10:6; 15:24, Mk. 10:16). And without Jesus the sheep go astray they get lost and disoriented (Matt. 9:36, Mk. 10:16). Wow, so we become sheep through Jesus, we are shepherded (protection, care, etc.) by Jesus and we are the reason Jesus became the Shepherd and King. But there’s more. If we are to be like Jesus shouldn’t we also, though sheep, be shepherds? That is what He is telling Peter, be a shepherd Peter! Jesus was really intentional about this too. Notice the passion, the direct communication shown in the repetition.

This should not surprise us though. Do you ever notice just how many sheep are scared and hurting? Jesus said if a man had 100 sheep and one was lost wouldn’t he leave the 99 and go find the lost sheep (Matt 12:11; Lk. 15:4)? Maybe He is asking the 21st Century church another question that relates to John 21. Are you taking care of your fellow sheep? Maybe He is asking you right now, are you taking care of the sheep? Are you practicing the model people call church, the living organism that I came to earth and died for? Are you doing discipleship and ministry like I have taught you and how I want you to do? 

Lord Jesus, teach us more and more how to be like you. Open our eyes to John 21 and the true concepts that You want to teach us. Amen!