36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 (ESV)
How important is it to show compassion? Last week Jeannine and I were on our way to Lexington to spend some time with the kids. On our way we stopped at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Mount Vernon. I was a bit hungry since it was some past noon. At first the counter people seemed to be on track as shortly after we walked in they opened another register to serve us. We gave our order, with special requirements as usual like potatoes with no gravy and plenty of honey for the biscuits. Our meal was prepared promptly; we are still on track for a good experience. Then it began to deteriorate. They pushed the food onto the counter and walked away. They didn’t tell us it was our food, they didn’t call our number; they were done. First I notice mashed potatoes with enough gravy to kill a cat. We stood at the counter both with the saddest look we could express on our faces hoping for someone to give us some attention. Finally Jeannine called for help to one of the non-interested ladies. They traded our potatoes and off we go to find a table.
After getting to the table I noticed no honey. When I went back to the counter the same familiar experience began, no one was interested in my sad face. Finally I got a nod and I asked for honey. She reached under the counter and handed me three small packs. Obviously they didn’t recognize we were not only hungry but we were southern country folks that really needed more honey. After obviously running out of the much needed sweetness Jeannine had to go back and try again.
Ever have a similar experience? What was the main issue? I think the bottom line is that we really want someone to care. These people working out their pay on a Saturday afternoon had some care because of their training. Yet as soon as the training was completed in their minds they was on to other things to think about. I remember while we were waiting they were laughing and talking among themselves. Yes, I must confess I am a stickler when it comes to customer service for a lot of reasons both business based and Bible based.
We wanted someone to care for our needs because we came there to fulfill a need. Now let me move our minds to the everyday world in which we live. You meet people every day that have needs. Most of their time they don’t want to know how much you know, they just want you to care for them. They want you to care about their issues, their problems and their needs. Jesus cared deeply for people. His compassion for people just flows out of the stories in the Gospels. He is the perfect model in how we are to develop a lifestyle of compassion. Do you care for people like Jesus? Next time you have an experience like ours think about your compassion for others and it may change the way you feel about how you are treated.
Lord Jesus, help us to have compassion for others as You are our ultimate role model. Amen.