Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Encouragement for the day...
Then David said in his heart, "Now I shall perish one day by the hand of Saul..." (1 Samuel 27:1a ESV) The mind is an amazing thing. It can influence us in such a way that it moves us away from truth, prosperity and happiness. However, God put us in charge of our minds (Rom. 12:1-2). David was at a point that he allowed himself to believe a lie. It was not God's plan for him to perish under Saul and he didn't. Often I see people being short-changed in life, myself included, because of stinking thinking. Your encouragement today is to guard your mind and fill it with the truth of God found in His Word and in prayer.

Friday, July 27, 2012

What about Chick-fil-A?

For what I believe is biblical reasons I have always avoided the temptation to rally against popular social whims that come along. I believe politics should stay in the social and patriotic realms of discussions and that our foundation and center should always be biblical Christian values. However, when the clash happens where government steps into the areas of Christian doctrine and creates waves that affect our centricity of Jesus Christ and His teaching then I must do my job to exhort, encourage and edify the body of Christ.
Recently the press is taking a Christian business man and Christian values and making it something of a mockery to the Almighty God. I also resist being a prophet (not preaching but predicting the future) however, I firmly believe these type challenges will get much worse. So what is the big deal with Chick-fil-A? Associated press said they have become a political symbol and make light of the stand this company is taking. The US cities of Boston and Chicago said the national food chain is NOT welcome in their cities with the mayor of Chicago stating “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.”[i]  The issue at hand is homosexuality and gay marriage to which Chick-fil-A has taken a stand.
So what is the big deal? The big deal is that homosexuality is an abhorrent sin that God does not take lightly; in fact He calls it an abomination. (Lev. 18:22) For some this brings up the question that all sin is equal and that concept is not biblical. In the light of evangelism we have truthfully taught that any sin big or small separates us from God and that is perfectly true. However, throughout Scripture there are certain sins that attract God’s attention very quickly and homosexuality is one of them. It was primarily for this sin that brought God to rain fire and brimstone on two cities in the Old Testament called Sodom and Gomorra. (Gen. 19:23-29) Paul spoke boldly about this sin in Romans 1:24-25 stating that God gave them up or turned these people loose in their sin for whatever or wherever the evil one wanted to take them. This is very serious.
This sin creates a ripple effect that touches other doctrines and also will touch other areas of life, like social issues, confusion on truth and the paradox of where do you draw a line. By the way we always have to have lines or else we become conformed to the world. (Rom 12:1-3) The most effected ripple effect is the doctrine of marriage. The doctrine of marriage is extremely clear in Scripture to be between one man and one woman. (Gen. 2:24, Eph. 5:22-33) The doctrine of marriage was instituted by God not by the government, though that is where we have allowed it to go. The doctrine of marriage is special, it is sacred because of the Inventor, the Almighty Creator God! Anything less than what God has set forth in Scripture related to this very important doctrine of the church is sin and will bring judgment on the churches, people and Christians that conform to the world. I believe that church history will show that the primary cause of the Roman empire was this very sin and (again not to be a prophet but…) I believe will be the primary cause of judgment on the United States of America.
Where further challenges come is what we do about this. First, we must go to the basics. God instructs us to love all people as this is the second greatest commandment. (Matt. 22:39) However, we have to learn to love the people while hating the sin. We have to learn how to love the people and work hard at drawing the appropriate lines appropriately not confirmatively. We have to show the love while not falling in to accepting the sin. We have to learn to show the love while keeping the center move of Scripture, repentance, grace, reconciliation and restoration.  It is a challenge but we have to do it or else we will be judged, we will fall short of what God expects of us and we will let our Lord and Savior down, big time!
Further I must say, due to the importance of this issue and the importance of the doctrine of marriage and the doctrine of family, as long as Steve Bennett is pastor of Fairview Baptist Church this will be the stand we take. I am confident and adamant about the Truth and the calling to hold to the Truth. Are you with me?

[i] “Chick-fil-A Sandwiches Become a Political Symbol” Associated Press, July 26, 2012 accessed July 27, 2012.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Why does bad things happen to the Redeemed of God?

I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. (John 17:15 ESV) In Jesus' prayer to His Father just before His crucifixion, He makes it clear that we (the redeemed) are not to be taken out of the world. Then the same author writes, ...the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. (1 John 5:19b ESV) This can seem as a paradox when evil unleashes its power on the children of God. Why can't we be delivered? Why can't we be protected. Answer: 1. We are to be a witness in good times and bad. 2. Forgiven does not mean extracted from sin at least not immediate, we will when it is the perfect time of God. The yielding to the lies of the evil one is what caused and causes sin. We must persevere by faith until it is time for us to be delivered from the curse we submitted to. Encouragement? Jesus knew, Jesus knows, Jesus cares, Jesus is always and will always be with us because He is our great Advocate to the perfect, holy God.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sanctification Process

I think a Christian life is a purification opportunity. The intent and desire of God is that we become more like him and the two primary characters of God are complete holiness and love. It is like a glass of water that was at first totally toxic but at salvation enough purity is applied to be called water, yet nowhere near pure. Additionally, God is in control of the process and thus controls the amount of change (i.e. some get more purification at salvation than other). Then as we allow He does more purification which is difficult and sometimes a very slow process. The reason it is difficult is for multiple reasons: (1) It hurts, purification means removing the bad, which means pain. (2)  We are accustom to the toxic stage, it is a part of our nature. (3) We like the toxicity and mediocrity is more favorable than purity. This way we can have some of both worlds. (4) More purification means more responsibility and we feel overwhelmed with responsibility now. Additionally, responsibility to God is viewed as both massive and demanding. (5) More purification seems to mean we invest more time (a coveted commodity today). Living in a microwave world creates a tension with spending quiet time with God. (6) We either lose sight of the overall purpose of God and our eternal destination with him or have not learned it (lack of discipleship).

It is a purification opportunity because (1) God wants us to be pure (holy) like Him and (2) an opportunity because God desires us to want (love) to be like Him. Thus both of the primary characters of God is at work in us. This is good and yet difficult. The danger comes in the fact that we have a certain amount of control (freedom/opportunity). This is the only reason the process is slow and the slowness of the process is not God’s fault at all. It is an opportunity because God has allowed us a certain amount of time in this world (error of time) to complete this process and prepare for the next error of time (eternity/heaven/etc). This is also a danger because we tend to lose sight of the truth of eschatology (doctrine of end times). We also have a tendency to put things off and get distracted from the real and important things that are more futuristic in our minds. Let us not forget that God promises rewards in eternity yet the primary reason we are to want to be more like Him is because we love Him.

All these things are worth pondering. We have such an opportunity if we see it. We have such a wonderful and loving heavenly Father who has a purpose for us. Could I encourage you today to make some major commitments to your sanctification process? It will be the best investment you will ever make.