Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Beware of Depression

will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. (Psalm 119:15 ESV) Depression is becoming a major health problem in today's world. Depression is found is almost all ages, in both genders and in all levels of society. Depression can be found at the base of hostility, suicide and abandonment. It is a serious issue and though medication can help and is not a bad thing, there is something better. I am confident the best antidote for depression and stinking thinking is to make Psalms 119:15 a constant practice. The depth, truth and fulfillment of the Word of God does amazing things to the mind and the outlook on life. To focus on what the Creator God wants and offers lifts ones purpose from day to day disappointments to a plan that is safe, secure and delightful. If you are struggling a little or a lot with life's disappointments a steadfast practice of meditation on God's Word will change your life. I encourage you to make it a mainstay in your daily life, it is a major blessing for me.